Que saudade! - How homesic

O dia seguiu assim: ia num funeral, comia, ia em outro funeral, conversava, jogava quadribol...Enfim, tentava ficar o mais perto de seus amigos!
Harry sentia falta de Neville e Luna. Neville tinha ido ver seus pais e, Luna havia ido ver o pai que estava muito machucado. Harry sabia que era importante mas, sentia muita falta deles...
Então, no fim da tarde, Harry foi conversar com Rony.
- Como está achando o dia?
-Está ótimo, só sinto saudade de Neville e Luna!
-Eu também sinto muita falta deles... Mas eles devem estar em paz!
-É você tem razão, mas ainda sinto saudade deles!

The day followed thus: it went in a funeral, it ate, it went in another funeral, it talked, it played quadribol At last…, it tried to be more close to its friends!
Harry felt lack of Neville and Luna. Neville had left to see its parents and, Luna had obtained to go to see the father who was very hurt. Harry wise person who was important but, felt much lack of them…
Then, in the end of the afternoon, Harry was to talk with Rony.
- How is going its day?
- The day is excellent, alone I feel homesickness of Neville and Luna!
- I also feel much lack of them… But they must be in peace!
- You Are you have reason, but still I feel homesickness of them!



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