Acordando tarde... - Waking up

Era uma bela tarde de verão, Harry dormia com um sono muito pesado. Já eram quase 15:00 hs, e Harry não acordava. Depois da maior batalha de sua vida - e também da maior festança! - havia ficado muito cansado. Então, alguém entrou no quarto. Era Rony.
Neste momento, Harry parou de respirar, parou de pensar, abriu os olhos, pulou da cama e deu um forte abraço em Rony dizendo:
-Ron! Está tudo acabado! Ele sumiu! Ele morreu!
-Harry você está atrasado para os funeráis!
Era verdade. Harry havia se esquecido dos funeráis...
-Já executaram 2 funeráis, o de Colin e o de Tonks. Ainda da pra chegar à tempo do de Lupin!
Depois dessas palavras, Harry se vestiu e foi para o Grande Salão, onde estavam todos os alunos, fantasmas e professores. Os dois chegaram à tempo das últimas palavras do padre:
-Que Deus o abençõe Remo Lupin.
E, numa única voz todos disseram:


It was a beautiful afternoon of summer, Harry slept with a sleep very heavy. Already they were almost 15:00 hs, and Harry did not wake up. After the biggest battle of its life - and also of the biggest party! - he had been very tired. Then, somebody entered in the room. It was Rony.
At this moment, Harry stopped to breathe, stopped to think, opened the eyes, jumped of the bed and gave a fort hugs in Rony saying:
- Ron! It is everything finished! He disappeared! He died!
- Harry you are delayed for the funerals!
It was truth. Harry if had forgotten them funerals…
- Already they had executed 2 funerals, of Colin and of Tonks. Still of pra to arrive in time of the one of Lupin!
After these words, Harry if dressed and was for the Great Hall, where the pupils, ghosts and professors were all. The two had arrived in time of the last words of the priest:
- That God takes care of well of Rows Lupin.
Then, in an only voice all had said:
- Amen.



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