You Were Everything That I Wanted
Story Resume: Together they wrote his history in Hogwarts. Together they became friends. Together they found out a lot of things. Together they became “The Marauders” and his girl’s friends. Together they fight and laugh. Together they discovered the true value of true friendship. Together they changed that school. Together they changed their life’s story. Together. Sis friends. Friends forever until death.*br /*
*br /* English is good...I made some mistakes here,so I ask you to don't care about it!! *br /*
Explanation: I'm a brazilian girl who love HP very much! I've studying English for 5 years...and I had this (fic) forgive for the mistakes...*br /*
*br /*
Enjoy your reading!
It's a short-fic,o.k.?
If someone want to translate this fic, just talk to me,o.k.?
Comentários (1)
Nossa*-* Primeirissima! Tu não sabe como foi dificil ler essa fic,meldels! Tive que ir no Google Tradutor e ler por lá mesmo!Mas ficou muito legal,viu? Parabéns!