J/l- Dear Lilly

Dear Lilly

“Love of my life,
I’ve never felt so well. You made me the happiest guy in the world… Oh! Better! I am the happiest guy in the Universe. I’m going to be a father!
Did you really understand that?!
I’m married with you and now you gave me the best gift in the world!
If you wanna understand, this is the dream of my life!
I ’ve wished that for 4 years! And now you gave me that!
I’m coming back next week and I’m going to buy our house at my parent’s birth village.
Surprise: Not only the house, but also the furniture for the baby’s bedroom. I don’t know what color you want, though. Please write me to let me know.
My work is almost finished, we arrested 3 Death Eaters easily, but the fourth was more difficult. He killed Marlene.
Don’t worry, I’m fine.

For now that’s it.
Love you,
Hope you’re fine,




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